The following text was taken from a Facebook live video on 1/6/23
Hello friends. I'm so excited to be here and let's give it a few minutes. See if anybody joins us. I get to be here from Kiawah Island today. Kiawah Island is where I'm located. It's on the coast of the Charleston low country territory. It is in our MLS area and it's in our backyard, so to speak. So you're about, I don't know, an hour from downtown Charleston from here. Hello, hello. Make sure to comment when you come on so that I can see who's joining me today. Look at this background. Look at this. And the weather and the sun for being in January, I tell you what the low country is the place to be. What a beautiful area that we get to live in, right?
Well, as always, I like to come to you on a Friday and bring to you a market update and kind of give you the scoop of what's happening in our region. And so that's what I'm doing today. But just real quick, as I'm kind of waiting for a couple people to jump on, I'm bringing my team here, this is a friend's house that I get to use periodically. And so I'm bringing my team here today to Kiawah, today and we'll stay overnight and into tomorrow. Thank you for joining. And so anyways, we're going to bring the team here today. I'm already hearing some background noise and all. Hopefully you guys can hear me okay, but literally the wildlife is behind me making sounds and so it's really cool.
Anyways, so the team is joining me this weekend, today and tomorrow because we're going to start goal setting. We're going to pronounce what our goals are to the rest of the team. One of the beautiful things about being on a team is the accountability and the camaraderie that we have. And my team is extra special because we really have a unique blend of personalities and experiences and everybody brings something unique to the team. And so what better way to start the new year than to be here in the low country at Kiawah? And so we will enjoy some team building activities and goal setting and then every month we're going to be pronouncing those goals and what we've accomplished to the team at the first of every single month as we go through 2023. It's going to be a great time.
So we'll take some videos and share some pictures of our journey over the next couple of days. But that's what my team is doing today. We are still tapped into work mode, but the beautiful thing is, and I say this a lot to family and friends, is the nice thing about real estate is that we can do it from anywhere. One of the downfalls is we get to do it from everywhere. There's no turnoff switch to our business. But the real estate market's going to be interesting in 2023, and I'm looking forward to it. I personally have already put something under contract. I've got another offer pending and I've got a couple of offers that have been promised to me by the end of the day.
So it's not a dead market and I'm going to keep preaching that because it is not a dead market. It's either a buyer's market, it's a seller's market, it may be a normalized market, which is kind of what we're going into, or maybe it's even an investor's market, but it's always a great time to be in real estate. And people are continuing to build equity in their houses. So don't see these price drops, sellers are oftentimes still overshooting the market. Builders started putting out a lot of inventory and we've seen that throughout the low country. There's been a slowdown from buyer activity of course, because the interest rates, that's exactly what the federal government was looking to do was to control the economy. And so they've raised interest rates to do that, but activity is still happening because people are still going to be moving here. People are still going to want to upsize and downsize and relocate, and their families are going to shift, and jobs are going to transfer and all of that.
So there will continue to be a need for the market. But those that are just joining me, look at this background. So I'm coming to you live from Kiawah Island. Our team, our MLS does cover all of the low country. And so I get to be here from Kiawah Island today. My team is going to be out here working on Kiawah today and tomorrow. I'm housing them at a friend's place here on Kiawah. So we're going to be goal setting and all. So share with me what your goals are for 2023. I know I personally tap into my investment advisor. I like to put money into investments into the stock market, but I have somebody that I rely on to control that and advise me of that. And I meet with that financial advisor at least once a year. Sometimes more often than that. I have a financial advisor. I have somebody that oversees different things in my life, but what about a real estate advisor, guys?
How often are you meeting with your real estate advisor? Have you built so much equity in your house that maybe it's a time to buy an investment property? And what does that look like? I'm sure you have a CPA. You probably meet with them once a year. Don't ever hesitate to reach out to me. I get people that will call me and they'll say, I'm sorry, I might be bothering you. Y'all, it's an honor when my phone rings. And that's an honor every time I get to answer it. So don't ever feel like you're bothering me. If you want to rely on Zillow to tell you what the equity is in your house, you go right ahead. If you want a better resource than that, I've got one. It's called Homebot and I can put into there what your houses actual value is after running the comparative market analysis. And then we can see how much equity you've got in it, and what your loan payoff is, and it will shoot you over a very realistic number. And it's a lot more detailed than Zillow. Do not rely on Zillow, guys.
So let me be your resource with all things real estate. So that's my message. Again, coming to you from Kiawah. Y'all enjoy your weekend. I'm going to go and enjoy mine. You'll see some fun videos and photos over the next couple of days from my team. If I can be of help to you in any way or anybody that you know, guys, family, friends, let me know. And thank you for tapping in. And good morning to those, Kevin, I see you on here. And Braden, I see you on here. And Leslie and Kim. I've got some past clients, some great friends, some business partners that are on here. So thank you to each of you for tapping in. Y'all, enjoy your weekend. I'm here if you need me. Take great care. See you soon.
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Location in Summerville
Keller Williams Key
126 E 2nd North St
Summerville, SC 29483
Location in Charleston
Keller Williams Key
1180 Sam Rittenberg Blvd #300
Charleston, SC 29407